
About Settings

This area of the administration system is where you can determine various global settings for your website.

Site Settings

In 'Site Settings' you can provide a title for your website, which is the text that is displayed at the top of the browser for visitors looking at your site. You can determine keywords and write a description of your website in order to popularize it on search engines such as Google or Yahoo!. You can provide 'footer' text such as copyright or contact information that appears on every page of your site. And you can also add any custom scripts that you would like to place in the HTML of your site.

Visual Settings

This is the part of your admin where you will be able to decide on the look and feel of your website. Easily choose from our pre-existing templates and styles for those templates, or create your own! Determine where your website menu will be placed. Decide what typefaces to use on your site and how your name or logo will appear. Specify how much space various elements of your website will take up on the page and how images will be sized and formatted, and much more.

User Logins

In this section, you will be able to change your Artcode Username and Password, as well as add new users to access your Artcode admin.