Uploading Images

In the Images section of the Media Library you will see a searchable list of all the images you have uploaded to your admin. There will be 1 or more images in this section initially for testing, so delete these files add new files when you get a chance. You can add all types of images with a wide range of extensions to this area: jpgs, tiffs, pngs, gifs, etc.. Our recommendation is to upload jpgs. This image format is widely recognized across the internet and on peoples personal computers, they are very easy to produce, are generally small in size (so they load quickly), and usually generate good results when enlarged.

To Add an image, simply click 'Add image' by clicking on the button above the word 'Filter' or from the '+ Add' option in the 'images' menu on your admin Home page. Adding and manipulating your images works exactly in the same way that the 'Files' section does.

When you upload an image, all of the various uses and sizes of that image are automatically generated from the image you upload for use on your website (i.e. thumbnails, small sized images, and enlargements). Although your image will be compressed for those uses, keep in mind that the larger in size the image is when you upload it, the longer your site may take to load.

TIP: For optimum image results, use the 'Image Size...' function in Adobe Photoshop's Image menu. With the proportions constrained, change the pixel dimensions to 1200 or 1500 pixels wide or tall (whichever is the greater dimension). If the image is already smaller than that, ignore this step. Next use the 'Save For Web' or 'Save for Web & Devices' function in the File menu. Use the preset: JPEG high.